My house was always a die-hard Tide house. Nothing did laundry like Tide, and if it did, we didn't want to hear about it.
And then I went and decided to get green.
To Mr. Green's dismay, I switched to Seventh Generation natural laundry detergent...and fell in love!
It's 2x concentrated so you can use less per load.
And the smell...ooooh the smell. So yummy and clean and refreshing!
My choice is white flower and bergamot citrus and if I cared to do my homework I'd look that up but I don't - I just like how it smells....a lot!
It makes my nose tingle in a good way and I...get this...look forward to doing laundry!
Who knew I'd ever put that in writing.
For the record, "Mr. Green" will continue to use Tide. But if Mrs. Green would consider doing his laundry, it might be a different story.